Monday, October 22, 2012

Headlines and storie; a point of view.

“Blending politics, picture making and text to tell tales”. Looking at the news and headlines I couldn’t help but think mass media was prioritising stories of less importance than those of significance, such as celebrity news instead of issues of political significance, war and tragic instances. I deal with the thought of humanity desensitising and distancing from images of death and violence in some form, we seem to be devolving to an extent emotionally when responding to news and that our cousin the ape is almost more sincere. Furthermore the idea of the artist being the ape which was described in a research lecture intrigued me and led me to creating images of apes.

Initial ape drawings and sketches.

Experimented with colour in my initail drawings.

This is the image I want to use for etching.

The preparitory drawing of etching .....


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